• Jayita Sarkar

    Professor of Global History of Inequalities

    University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

  • Bio

    Jayita Sarkar is Professor of Global History of Inequalities at the University of Glasgow's School of Social and Political Sciences in Scotland, United Kingdom. She is the author of the award-winning book, Ploughshares and Swords. India’s Nuclear Program in the Global Cold War (Cornell University Press, 2022), and a founding series co-editor for InterConnections: The Global Twentieth Century, that is home to innovative global, international, and transregional histories of the long twentieth century. Her research and teaching areas are global and transnational histories of capitalism, infrastructures, and decolonisation.

    Jay is currently completing her book, Atomic Capitalism. A Global History (under contract with Princeton University Press, America in the World series). It is a 100-year history of nuclear sites, from mining to energy to weapons-testing, retold through histories of capitalism, empire, and decolonisation. In order to make progress on Atomic Capitalism, she has held research fellowships at Harvard University's Weatherhead Initiative on Global History, and at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH), and Centre d'Histoire of Sciences Po Paris.

    Before joining Glasgow as an Associate Professor in 2022, she was Assistant Professor at Boston University (2017-22). She has held prestigious research fellowships at places such as Harvard University, Yale University, MIT, and Dartmouth College. She is on policy secondment as a British Academy Innovation Fellow at the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC from July 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025.

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    The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki created, in the words of George Orwell, a world “horribly stable” and “a peace that is no peace,” increasing power of the state over the individual and of the United States over the world. Atomic Capitalism critically examines this view and assumptions about preponderance of the United States and the state itself by placing nuclear infrastructures in a global and transnational perspective. The discovery of nuclear things— radium, radioactivity, uranium’s properties of fission, and plutonium— powerfully linked nuclear infrastructures to corporate violence, colonialism (settler and non-settler), and genocide, which characterized late nineteenth and twentieth-century Euro-American empires. The uranium cycle and its material infrastructures thus both benefited from and bolstered an extractivist, surveillant, and inegalitarian global system through which capitalist actors and networks benefited by disenfranchising people in faraway colonies, dependent territories, and at home. The outcome has been a complex extractivist web of inequalities that is intrinsically linked to our economic and environmental crises today.

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    India’s nuclear program is often misunderstood as an inward-looking endeavor of secretive technocrats. In Ploughshares and Swords, Jayita Sarkar challenges this received wisdom, narrating a global story of India’s nuclear program during its first forty years. The book foregrounds the program’s civilian and military features by probing its close relationship with the space program. Through nuclear and space technologies, India’s leaders served the technopolitical aims of economic modernity and the geopolitical goals of deterring adversaries.


    The politically savvy, transnationally-connected scientists and engineers who steered the program obtained technologies, materials, and information through a variety of state and nonstate actors from Europe and North America, including both superpowers. They thus maneuvered around Cold War politics and the chokepoints of the nonproliferation regime. Hyperdiversification increased choices for the leaders of the nuclear program but reduced democratic accountability at home. The nuclear program became a consensus-enforcing device in the name of the nation.


    Ploughshares and Swords is a provocative new history with global implications. It shows how geopolitical and technopolitical visions influence decisions about the nation after decolonization.


    Book Cover Art: Galen Passen
  • Teaching

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    August 2024—present


    July 2022–July 2024

    School of Social and Political Sciences

    University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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    July 2017–June 2022

    Pardee School of Global Studies
    Boston University, Massachusetts, USA